Minnetonka Robotics "Chicken Bot Pie" - FRC Team 3082

High school students and experienced professionals brought together by FIRST Robotics in the Twin Cities metro


The CHARGED UP season in 2023 was a great success for Team 3082. The challenge included scoring traffic cones and beach ball-like cubes onto a staircase-like structure and balancing onto a teeter-totter called a charge station. We successfully designed and fabricated a robot in early February for a Week 0 competition hosted by Irondale High School’s Knight Krawlers. 

In March 2023, we competed in back to back competitions: Minnesota Northstar Regional at La Crosse and the Minnesota 10,000 Lakes Regional Competition where we finished 12th out of 41 teams and 16th out of 61 teams respectively. 

At Northstar Regional, we showcased our drive team’s proficient maneuvering and alliance coordination to play a hybrid defense, resulting in us being nominated by Team 2451 PWNAGE as the best defense robot at the competition. We finished 4th in the playoffs and took home the Innovation in Control Award for our robot’s inverse kinematics mathematics, odometry, and PID system for autonomous controls. 

At Minnesota 10,000 Lakes Regional, we were the first pick of the 7th seeded alliance for the playoffs. We pulled off multiple upsets, knocking both the 2nd seed and 3rd seed out of the double elimination bracket and placed 2nd as Regional Finalists. We also qualified for the World Championships at this competition! 

At Worlds, we competed against 77 other teams in the Daly Division. This is the first time the team has qualified for Worlds in four years. We ran into some field and robot issues at Worlds, however it was still a great learning experience for us as a team. We are more motivated than ever to keep up the momentum and consistently qualify for Worlds in years to come.