Minnetonka Robotics "Chicken Bot Pie" - FRC Team 3082

High school students and experienced professionals brought together by FIRST Robotics in the Twin Cities metro

2017: Steamworks

2017 FRC Season Robot

For the 2017 FRC competition robot, we had a 6-wheel tank drive train with 8” traction wheels.  Because of the size and grip of these wheels, we were able to turn and cross the field very quickly.  Our gear intake was a pneumatic mechanism, letting us open and close the intake with a piston, making it easier to receive and catch gears.  We also had a climber powered by two CIMs in a shifting gearbox, letting us get the power we needed to pull our robot up the rope.  On the back of the robot, we had a poly-carbonate ramp protecting the electronics and ensuring that gears wouldn’t get stuck in our robot.

Here are some pictures: