Minnetonka Robotics "Chicken Bot Pie" - FRC Team 3082

High school students and experienced professionals brought together by FIRST Robotics in the Twin Cities metro

2018: Power Up!

Wally the Walrus

Our 2018 robot named Wally the Walrus, could place power cubes in the switch and exchange, and climb using the hooks on the front of the elevator. Although there are two hooks, we were able to climb using only one, leaving room for our alliance partners if necessary.

We made sure to design our robot to move quickly across the field while maintaining maneuverability. We did this by having a flat wheelbase using 4 powered high-grip wheels and 2 unpowered Omni wheels allowing for easy turning.

We also found importance in having an effective intake to quickly and securely move cubes. We used 4-inch compliant wheels to ensure a good grip and allowed our arms open and close to make it easier to pick up cubes.

Here are some pictures:

2018 Offseason Newsletter